LB°24 Program

Buss trip to Kiruna

Join us on a day trip by bus from Luleå to visit the Helmer Osslund exhibition at Kiruna City Library, and take part of the organ concert at Jukkasjärvi Church.

To come along you need to sign up by emailing with the subject line ”Bus to Kiruna”.

9.00 Bus departs from Luleå to Kiruna
13.15 Fika at Jukkasjärvi hembygdsgård
14.00 Organ concert at Jukkasjärvi Church
14.45 Bus continues towards Kiruna
15.00 Visit at the Kiruna City Library
15.45 Bus returns to Luleå
20.00 Bus arrives in Luleå

18.28 there is a possibility to take the night train south, instead of taking the bus back to Luleå. Participants book their own tickets via

  • WhatFestival
  • When16 Oct
  • Times09.00–20.00